

€ 18,50 / € 9 (reduced)
Tickets available HERE

New exciting texts are presented as studio productions.


Mehdi Moradpour

What could it look like, the "city of the future"? asks Caliban, a court translator who, leaving the Hotel Balkan Grill, wanders through the decaying architecture of Germany's first socialist planned city. Today, graffiti-smeared facades, shop windows nailed shut with wooden boards, and long abandoned buildings bear witness to the failure of the urban utopia. And yet it does not seem to be completely lost, the hope for a more just city.
On the way to court, Caliban overtakes old war role-playing game fantasies, the Nintendo on children's knees, a living room in Kabul, until the game fades into reality. A chorus swells to background noise, with individual piquant voices mixed in: Historical figures, fantasy characters, animals and objects. There is Terra Branford, resistance fighter from the video game "Final Fantasy VI". Or Judge Miranda, in whose vision of the future, a thriving tech center - with solar settlements, smart factories, algae plantations, and skyscrapers with forests sprawling on their roofs.
Mehdi Moradpour borrows his characters from Shakespeare's "The Tempest," but situates them in the era of digital capitalism as well as in the context of different war scenarios of the 20th and 21st centuries. By linking diverse times and settings, the author sketches out spaces of possibility for a feminist future.

Partner-Theater: Schauspielhaus Wien
Readers: Simon Bauer, Vera von Gunten, Jesse Inman, Clara Liepsch, Sebastian Schindegger
Text: Mehdi Moradpour
Director: Rieke Süßkow
Music: Max Windisch-Spoerk
Illustrations: Giovanna Bolliger
Dramaturgy: Hannah Salentinig
Assistant director: Christina Ulrich

In cooperation with the Stückewerkstatt Mülheim


Anne Lepper
Verlobung in Köln

The well-known confrontation between classes and their possibilities. Completely new and conceived as a comedy.

Regie: Alia Luque
With: Benny Claessens
Video: Richard Haufe-Ahmels
In cooperation with the Stückewerkstatt Mülheim

ARBEITSATELIER III is cancelled due to illness:

by Caren Jeß

A woman arrives at an unknown place by the sea. She does not yet know that she is about to tell intimate stories about her life. But suddenly this strange creature appears, who knows exactly how to make the woman talk. The creature is called Morpho Peleides and is undergoing a metamorphosis, for the development of which it feasts on unpleasant things. Well-formulated narratives, beautiful images? No, give me your innermost!
"Kitsch" is an autofictional play that drills into its subject like a stomach probe. Eating disorder and gender affiliation, sexual trauma and life fatigue. All of this seems harsh and yet is so familiar to many. But what does it actually mean, is it helpful when we reveal our emotions, or are we catering to a voyeurism that is becoming increasingly desensitized to stark images and true events? Oh, and who is that droll boy who always shows up when you least expect him? Is he really there, or is he just a figment of the imagination, like perhaps everything else here in this strange place by the sea, originating where addiction originates: in the mind?

Partner Theater: Schauspiel Stuttgart
With: Katharina Hauter, Noah Baraa Meskina, Anke Schubert
Director: Petra Schönwald
Dramaturgy: Sarah Tzscheppan
Assistant director: Franziska Berlitz
Stage design assistance: Hannah Zickert

In cooperation with the Stückewerkstatt Mülheim

All three texts were written as part of the first StückeWerkstatt of the Mülheim Theatre Days in cooperation with uniT's DRAMA FORUM.