19:00 - 20:30 | 1 Treffpunkt: FOYER Schauspielhaus
By Philipp J. Ehmann
after the book "Against elections. Why choose and undemocratic "by David Van Reybrouck (Belgium)
€ 5,50 (no red. tickets)
Democracy live – A kind of theatre that can be experienced by playing and that is created in cooperation,
following rules and guidelines. In his new project, Philipp J. Ehmann renders the mechanisms of political decision-making
processes transparent over the course of a week: As citizens of Libertalia, the players draft a different bill every night,
on a topic grounded in Austria’s real politics. They can get involved actively or passively, follow their own goals and experience
the game of politics at first hand.
Game development Philipp J. Ehmann
Dramaturgy Elisabeth Geyer, Jennifer Weiss
Design Philipp Glanzner
education Timo Staaks
With everyone who wants to play
Dramaturgy Elisabeth Geyer, Jennifer Weiss
Design Philipp Glanzner
education Timo Staaks
With everyone who wants to play
Follow-up / exchange
of experience of all participants after each game