19:00 - 19:50 | 4 Vorklinik


€ 19,50 / € 10 (red.) - combined ticket with Retzhofer Dramapreis Adults
Eurodram is a pan-European network that promotes the translation of theatre texts and thus promotes intercultural and transnational exchange. We transcend language barriers and give insights into plays translated from Spanish and Dutch.
Juan Mayorga, Himmelweg [Way to Heaven], Madrid 2003; translated from the Spanish by Stefanie Gerhold, Berlin 2022.
Neofelis Verlag, Berlin 2022 : F. Muche / C. Heinrich [eds.], Schattenschwimmer, neue Theatertexte aus Spanien; performance rights: Hartmann & Stauffacher Verlag, Cologne

María Velasco Gonzáles, Ich will die Menschen ausroden von der Erde [Talaré a los hombres de sobre la faz de la tierra], Madrid 2020, translated from the Spanish by Franziska Muche, Berlin 2022

Freek Mariën, Der Mann im Tauchanzug [The Wetsuitman], Belgium 2019, translated from Dutch by Barbari Buri, Germany 2020
Publisher of the authors

Further Dates

20:00 - 20:50 | 4 Vorklinik